Million Dogs

How to Desensitize Your Dog to The Cone Before The Surgery

How to Desensitize Your Dog to The Cone Before The Surgery

Why You Should Train Your Dog to Wear Cones Did you know that you should train your dog to wear cone before your dog needs one? We never want to just slap on a new tool to a dog that's unfamiliar with it as this can create a negative association. It's pretty common for puppies who have a cone or collar on to freeze in feel as if they're unable to move. It will take about 2 to 3 days for the dog to get used to it, so take your time and don't rush. Give them enough time.    Pick the Right Recovery Cone...

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Before and After Care for Spay or Neuter Surgery

Before and After Care for Spay or Neuter Surgery

Hopefully, your puppy only needs to have one surgery in their whole life. That would be either a spay or neuter surgery. In this article, I’m going to share some before and after surgery care tips that can help recovery time go a lot smoother and less stressful for you and your dog. These same tips can be applied to most post-surgery recovery. You’re going to need to have a few things on hand post-surgery and if you’ve done your homework you’ll likely have these things ahead of time and It’s always good to introduce them to your dog so it won’t be...

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How Long To Keep Cone On Your Dog After Spay/ Neuter?

How Long To Keep Cone On Your Dog After Spay/ Neuter?

When your dog comes home from spay/ neuter surgery, your vet will suggest to use a healing cone to put on your dog during recovery period. It is simply meant to be put around the dog’s neck, encircling the head.  The healing cone should stay on until your dog is fully healed. Cone of shame creates a protective barrier between the head and mouth of the dog from the rest of the body. It prevents your dog from biting, licking, or scratching at her incision and opening it up. So, a cone is a great way to prevent your dog...

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Hi! I'm Jisuk, Founder of million dogs.

Hi! I'm Jisuk, Founder of million dogs.

Hi! I’m Jisuk, founder of Million Dogs. I’ve been making unique and comfortable healing cone for dogs and cats since 2016 and I finally quit my corporation job to make Million Dogs products full time! Want to hear a full story? Please check it out :)

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Why Million dogs Healing Cone?

Why Million dogs Healing Cone?

When your dog feels terrible, nothing is worse than the cone of shame and many of them become frightful of the vulnerable position the plastic cone puts them in. None of us want to see our pets look so unhappy and that's why you need to try our Anxiety Free Healing cone!

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