When your dog comes home from spay/ neuter surgery, your vet will suggest to use a healing cone to put on your dog during recovery period. It is simply meant to be put around the dog’s neck, encircling the head.
The healing cone should stay on until your dog is fully healed.

Cone of shame creates a protective barrier between the head and mouth of the dog from the rest of the body. It prevents your dog from biting, licking, or scratching at her incision and opening it up. So, a cone is a great way to prevent your dog from hurting itself.
When can I take the cone off after spay?
Ideally, the cone should stay on until the dog is fully healed or the sutures are removed. Experts suggest that you should keep a dog's cone on for at least 10-14 days after surgery. This is because most of the sutures and staples are left in for 10-14 days.

By day 5, the cone can be taken off for short periods under your direct supervision. However, it’s best to leave it on around the clock.
Is a cone necessary after spaying/ neutering a dog?
After your dog has had spay surgery, you must keep them restricted for 14 days. Restrictions involve no running around, jumping, bathing, or leaving unattended in the backyard. As the wound heals, your dog will become itchier in the wound’s area.

The best way to prevent biting and licking is by leaving your dog's cone on at all times. If your dog is uneasy and is having a hard time keeping the cone on, consider our handmade, comfortable, and water-resistant MillionDogs healing cone.
How long does it take for a spayed/ neutered dog to heal?
For most dogs, spay/ neuter incisions are fully healed within 10 to 14 days. This coincides with the time that stitches or staples will need to be removed.
Here is how you will know your dog's incision is healed:
- All the redness and swelling is gone from the incision.
- No staples or sutures are needed to hold the dog's wound together.
- There should be no tenderness or inflammation near the incision area of your pet.
- The incision area of dog should be free of all discharge.
Final thoughts
Remember that the main function of healing cone is protection. You should check out that incision twice a day to ensure that it is healing properly. If the incision appears inflamed, speak to your vet immediately.
Spaying your pet is an essential part of dog ownership nowadays. Just give your dog about two weeks of loving care while it's recuperating. You will be rewarded with many years of companionship with no fear of getting pregnant.

As a responsible dog parent, you can put your pet at ease and promote stress-free healing with our comfy Healing Cone. This lightweight healing cone is made of foam that provides cradling comfort while preventing the irritation of sensitive areas.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us :)
Happy petting!
My 8 year old Mini-Schnauzer was spayed on Tuesday, September 12th. She fights like crazy whenever I put her cone on her and when I put a surgical shirt on her she acts totally broken. She refuses to eat or drink or even walk around. If I leave everything off she is great for a while but then I have to put the shirt back on because she tries to lick her incision. I don’t know what to do for her or how to get her to eat and drink and move around. Any help would be great.
Good afternoon my female had surgery to spayed 6 days ago today I had her back to the vet to get checked yesterday she has a quarter size lump they checked her said this will disappear in about 2 weeks there is no bleeding or redness wondering what your thoughts are
I appreciate that you indicated that the majority of dogs’ spay/neuter wounds heal completely in 10 to 14 days. This is also when any sutures or staples will need to be taken out. I came across this post when looking for an answer since it would be useful to my boyfriend who is thinking of getting his dog spayed and neutered but doesn’t know the complete procedure. In light of this, I’ll be sure to tell him about it so that he is aware of the process when he schedules his dog for one. http://www.haverfordah.com/service-category/surgicalservices/